インストラクター名 | NAKOA 先生 |
職業 | ハワイ大学 学生 |
言語 | 英語 日本語 |
性別 | 男性 |
レッスン内容 | |
言語 |
自己紹介 | 音楽、ファッションなどいろんな趣味を持っているので楽しくお話ができるよ!/Aloha mai kakou. My name is Nakoa Kanahele. I was born and raised on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, and currently reside here. My hobbies include drawing, gaming, sewing, playing music, and doing makeup. I enjoy spending time with people to picnic or play games together, as well as going to the beach. Recently, I've been trying to take an interest in other forms of performance art, such as operas and ballet. I enjoy learning about music, fashion, cosmetics, linguistics, and biology, among others. I would like to learn Korean one day. I hope to one day live in Japan for a long while so that I can travel all around the country. I prefer being in the city, so I think I would like to live in Tokyo. I wouldn't mind living in a place with a smaller city like in Aichi. |
経歴・資格 | I graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a bachelor's in biology and a bachelor's in Japanese. I enjoyed learning about ecology, entomology, and evolutionary biology, among other subjects in school. I prefer learning about macrobiology because it's easier for me to understand and observe. I have an interest in teaching Japanese. Before Tomodachi USA, I taught Japanese to Hawaii students as a foreign language for one year. I am considering acquiring a teaching certificate to be a certified teacher, but I'm currently focused on my biology career path. Since I'm also interested in staying in Japan, I've considered taking the JLPT. I would like to study more on that before doing anything, however. I currently as a host at a restaurant. I'm looking to get another job as an office worker for a dermatologist. |
フリースペース1 | 私の名前はナコア・カナヘレです。私はハワイのオアフ島で生まれ育ち、現在もここに住んでいます。趣味は、絵を描くこと、ゲーム、裁縫、音楽演奏、メイクアップです。私は、ビーチに行くだけでなく、人と一緒にピクニックをしたりゲームをしたりして時間を過ごすのが好きです。最近、ハイキングに興味を持ち始めました。私は音楽、ファッション、化粧品、言語学、生物学などについて学ぶのが好きです。いつか韓国語を勉強したいです。いつか日本に長く住みたいと思っています。。東京に住みたいです。 |
インストラクタービデオ |
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